Thursday, December 15, 2011

Don't forget about the little ones this season

During the hustle and bustle of buying gifts for friends and family, going to parties, and donating clothes or money to various charities, it's easy for one cause to be forgotten this holiday season — animals.

In particular, animal shelters. These are sometimes the most poorly funded portion of a budget. We get focused on taking care of quality of life and forget about the creatures people have taken in and discarded.

Of course it's tantamount to care for our fellow man and ensure people are first on the list of priorities, but these homeless animals have very few looking out for their best interests.

And I've heard the argument that only "bad" animals end up at shelters. I've volunteered my time at shelters and gotten all my pets from shelters. I've never come across a bad pet. A rambunctious or needy one? Yes. But what wouldn't be when getting affection after being thrown away and ignored?

If you can't spare a $20 bill, the best thing to do for man's best friends is to donate a bag of food, cat litter, toys, essentials — such as paper towels and cleaning supplies — or even your time. Sometimes the best thing for these pets is to give them a little care for what may be the last time they receive it while they're alive. And you get the instant return of love for your investment.

Isn't that what the Christmas season is all about?

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