It's a new year with new possibilites and new beginnings.
Everyone gets a clean slate and we have that mindset. It's a time for setting the standard for what we want to do the next 365 days. Notice I didn't say the word "resolution." I've found it has a bit of a stigma with it. It causes some brains to shut off. So I just think of it as a goal — it's a little easier to start with.
I'm all for setting goals. For the first time in a long time, I've set myself what people would consider the r-word of losing weight, but the goal to begin eating better. I don't have an end game to lose a certain amount of weight, merely to stop eating out so much and stop eating such large portions.
It's all about setting the bar at an accomplishable height. Sure — go big or go home, shoot for the stars, enter cliche here — but I know myself and I have to begin with something that is reachable. I think I can do it and I will look forward to the benefits of it along the way.
Alongside personal goals, I have business ones. We are the alternative, and I want to drive that home. Tired of bad news? Turn to us. Tired of seeing the same stories? Here we are. Want to know what's happening in your neighborhood? Look no further. I want us to grow, get better at what we do, and get more recognition. All achievable, but beneficial goals.
Lastly, I have spiritual goals. I want to get closer to God and become a regular at my church. The holidays, with all the traveling, have caused me to miss the last few services and I feel bad about it. I know I can do it. And as I learn and grow, I will get closer to my savior and shepherd.
If you haven't thought about what you want to accomplish, take a few seconds to figure it out.
You have 364 days and counting.